So the original members of Tempus Fugit each went their own way and formed different bands. Darrin and Jeff immediately joined a band called Maximum 40, and got some TV exposure playing The Time Warp on YTV Rec Room, before that fell apart. Actually the band continued after Jeff moved to Montreal being replaced by Eric Chercover now in White Cowbell Oklahoma. The original band consisted of Darrin, Jeff, Sean Hillman (Drums), Drew Moncarz (Bass) and Sharyn Abelson (Vocals). One good song called "The Answer" was played live during this time. Darrin eventually left the band when he started to hear about shows that the band had played without him.
In early 1989, Daniel, Dan Ilany, Vanessa Avery and Mike recorded the "Incarnations of Immortality" (a quartet of long concept pieces inspired by Virgil's Aeneid and the epic of Gilgamesh). In late 1989, Jeff joined them at McGill, listened to the pieces and demanded to know what they were smoking. Soon after, Daniel was off playing in a "real band" called "The Action", and Jeff and Murray and Mike formed a group called the Village Idiots. They did one show, and played four songs, including Comfortably Numb. Does that count as a Fugit cover?
Between 1990 and 1993, Daniel, Jeff, Vanessa and Mike played long rambly proggy jams under the name of "Solstice". They also tried to write pop songs for Madonna. That went well. The singer of the band was Danny Godin. An older guy - a TA for Professor Piehler. He had the beard of a young Barry Gibb, the voice of Elvis, and the temper of Ike Turner. Apparently he tried to get Jeff hooked on the drugs at one point? Apparently during the recording/mixing of a Blue Oyster Cultish song called "Roses In The Park" he flipped out on Mike. He went deadly cold and said "Don't you fuck with me. Don't you ever fuck with me." Apparently the band gave him the rights to the songs when they split up.
At some point Daniel also played in a band called Burnt Toast making the front cover of The Mirror at one point. They played in strip clubs, but I guess in Montreal every club is a strip club.
In 1994 or 1995, Vanessa and Dan Ilany recorded a few excellent songs as the duo "Roman Candle".
For several years, Phil and Daniel got together for several bands, usually with Dave Blatt - guitarist extraordinaire! Starting even before Fugit disbanded, Phil and Dave made a brutal recording of LivinŐ on a Prayer in a group called Shit Side of Union. More serious bands followed, Dave and Phil had a stint at Mackenzie, they had a band on Kibbutz in Israel, and with Daniel and Meredith they formed an Israeli Rock Band! Finally, the pinnacle came when Dan, Dave and Phil, along with lead singer Bob Margolies, formed a band called Portnoize Complaint. They had one gig at the Cameron during hockey playoffs. Solo wise, Daniel was in the most pretentious band ever (beating Fugit with Dan by a landslide) called Tautologic, based in Chicago. Phil played with a "Death Pop" band (metal music with disco beats) in Montreal called Psycho Voyage Through Hell. Finally all this going back and forward in limbo ended abruptly in the summer of 97.
Next Fugit 2 - 1997