These are Promo photos which were taken in summer 1998 and summer 1999 by Candice Levine. The Summer 1998 photos gave rise to the album artwork photography and many of the early posters for gigs. As Daniel was not in town for this photo shoot, he was Photoshopped into the album cover, the original photo of which can be found here. He is missing from the back cover of the CD which came from the same shoot. The shots were done at the bridge crossing over the CN line at Dundas and Bloor. It is the same bridge as can be seen in the video by the Spoons for "Be Alone Tonight". The second set from Summer 1999 were done at the parkette between Queen Street and Adelaide between Bay and Yonge (I don't think it exists anymore). These photos were used for Press Releases, website photos and posters/handouts as well.
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