"A melting pot of influences, mostly old, but all in good taste, and similar enough to not feel like hearing a pale imitation of the model. It's fresh, unpretentious, well played (special mention to the voluptuous bass). A disc that is listened tirelessly and with great pleasure. " - www.musicwaves.fr
4 Stars - Sea Of Tranquility
"It is damn pleasant to digest. Songs grow on you with each listen" - ProgressiveWorld.net
Download Press Kit
Electronic Press Kit contains Press Release, Fact Sheet, Photos, Cover Art and 3 songs (Soap Stains and Ashes, Dodgy and Do You Know What I Mean?).
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Download PDF Fact Sheet
Band Name:
- Tempus Fugit
- Melodic and catchy Cross-over Progressive Rock with Alternative Rock/Pop leanings
- Toronto, Canada
- David Blatt: Lead Guitar
Dario Brancato: Bass
Darrin Cappe: Vocals and Rhythm Guitar
Michael Graham: Keyboards and Backing Vocals
Phil Shoore: Drums
- Current CD "Shallow Water Blackout" released November 15 2010.
- Rob Preuss formerly of Spoons added additional keyboards on the song Presence.
- Debut album "...When You're Having Fun" released November 1999 (500 copies sold at local clubs).
- Original recording was a 10-song 4-track cassette concept album called "Beyond The Barrier" about immortality - or something along those lines.
- Band has existed since 1985 with variations to the lineup from 1997-2001. Current lineup features same bass, drums, vocals and guitar lineup from 1997-2001 with addition of keyboardist circa 1987.
- Lead Singer Darrin Cappe runs several Canadian music websites (pro bono) such as http://www.thespoons.ca, http://www.theindiemusicarchive.com, http://www.rheostaticslive.com, http://www.bourbontabernaclechoir.com, and http://www.thomastrioandtheredalbino.com - just because he loves Canadian music.

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