No Tape Exists
This was not really a true Fugit Show. Dario was in Italy for several months and Daniel was in Chicago, which is why we didn't have a proper show between Clinton's on December 18 1998 and The El Mocambo on June 15 1999. This was Phil and Elaine's (i.e. Philaine) Jack and Jill party for their upcoming wedding. It was a bit of a mixed bag of "tricks". Darrin played solo versions of some songs, Meredith played some songs, and the band (Dave, Phil and Darrin) played some songs.
Band Name: The Pre Re-Tempus Fugit Post Release Party Band
The band lineup was:
David Blatt - Guitars
Darrin Cappe - Vocals
Phil Shoore - Drums
01. +Clover [Darrin solo]
02. Black Rose [Funky Acoustic Mix]
03. All Over Again
04. Violation [Darrin acoustic version]
05. Pacify [Holiday Inn mix]
06. 4-Ever Young [Ska version]
07. Slip Away
08. Solitude [acoustic mix]
Phil also sang "She's A Girl" at some point
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